Welcome to the Employee Web Site
Login Instructions
Insert your Username and Password in the Login section on the left.
If you have never logged into this website, here's what you should anticipate:
- Your Username is your first and last name (no middle initial) exactly as it appears on your paycheck
(include a space between your first and last name).
- For your Password type the word "user" (without the quotes, of course).
- Once you are logged in, you must reset your password. Follow the instructions on reseting your password.
- Once you have created a new password, you will be given access to certain features.
- You will only be given access to the departments and regions you service.
- If you need additional access to site features, departments, or regions, please contact your operations manager in Gallatin.
WebEx Meetings
WebEx is an online meeting web site we use for marketing, sales, training, and support. Click here to join a scheduled meeting.

Contact Us
You can directly contact the IT Department by completing an IT Service Request. Click the Contact Us menu item above to submit a service request.
Forgot Password?
If you forget your password, please reset it by clicking the Reset Password menu item above.
To do this you will need to know your Username and the Answer to your Challenge Question you provided when you logged in for the first time.
Browser Support
This site has been tested on and currently supports Internet Explorer and Opera.